Guide To Connect PC’s Keyboard With Android Device Via Wi-Fi & USB

Sometimes we need a lot of typing tasks on our mobile device so we need to connect our PC’s keyboard with device and finding such solution is not difficult as you can read this guide to connect your PC’s keyboard with your Android device via Wi-Fi or USB OTG. Just find the details down below how to use full featured keyboard with Android powered mobile and tablet.


As having a big screen device such as Android tablet this feature is more useful where you have a big typing task to do. There are actually two techniques to link your PC’s keyboard to your Android based phone and tablet.

Guide To Connect PC’s Keyboard With Android Device Via Wi-Fi & USB

Remote Keyboard special app which makes it possible for you to connect your keyboard Android device over Wi-Fi. This app has a very easy user interface. You need just to set up the app to use your desktop keyboard.

  • It is required that both your computer and Android device connected to same WiFi network
  • Now open the Remote Keyboard app and open the app Settings to enable the Remote keyboard input method

remote keyboard app

  • You have to connect your device to PC through Telnet client with host address and listening port  found in the app

remote keyboard app

  • Just download the Putty Telnet client on your computer
  • Open the Putty client and in the Host Name & listening port fields type the IP address and port number provided in the Remote Keyboard app


  •  Click the Open button to open a command window showing the connection status


Following the above steps you will be able to use your computer keyboard on your Android smart phone and Tablet.

  • michaelmd

    Using an ssh or telnet server app is fine if you want to use that shell from your PC.

    But I’m looking for a way to use an ordinary PC keyboard (USB) with it directly
    If I just plug it in it sometimes it works but not reliably
    I was also hoping to find a way to customise ui to better suit pc-style use

    Its a “mini PC” and those are used with a monitor or TV (which are not touch screens)
    Mouse works ok but want to use a proper keyboard

    Android is turning up on a pretty wide range of gadgets these days and not all of them have touchscreens.
    I guess I might need to look for a way to install a desktop Linux distro on it
